VCI Desiccant
A drying agent used to reduce humidity inside a closed container, ARMOR’s clay Sewn Cloth desiccants keep humidity at this lower value for a period of time by attracting moisture from the atmosphere.
Used mostly in industrial applications due to its economics, clay can adsorb up to 30% of it’s weight in water vapor(at 77°F (25°C) and 80% relative humidity. The dust free Tyvek® pouch is strong and durable and prevents against punctures and tears.
– domestic shipment
– export shipment
– inventory storage
– in process operations
– during shut downs
– long term storage (mothballing)
– export shipment
– inventory storage
– in process operations
– during shut downs
– long term storage (mothballing)
Markets Include:
- Automotive
- Construction/Agriculture
- Metal Machining
- Electronics
- Military
- Silver, copper, precious metals
- Oil & Gas
- Aerospace
- Steel and steel service centers